Mana WOrkshops

  • Engage the Goddess

    In Ceremony:
    We will call in Divine Mother, with our praises!

    We will receive Her powerful Message!

    We will receive Her bountiful Blessings!

    Finally, we will offer Her our deepest Gratitude
    Join us Sisters

    with Jill Walton

  • Fertility, Birth and Beyond

    Empower your self with your fertility power and awareness. Fell the connection between voice and womb, and explore our powerful resonance with the moon as we move into motherhood or supporting birth of the next generation.

    with Hope Medford

  • Tantra Energy Yoga

    IPSALU Energy Yoga is a style of tantra yoga which combines asanas, tantric meditation, and pranayama techniques to awaken your kundalini energy, which can lead to greater clarity, focus, and presence. Tapping into your kundalini energy can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth, personal transformation and increased prana emphasizing the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. This powerful tool is primarily a solo practice with some sweet group connection practices

    with Kanixa

  • Dove Codex Vocal Alchemy

    Awakening your powers of creation & connection between yoni, voice and ecstas to create a balanced life. This multidimensional practice teaches you to clear the pathways, access your expression, and invoke your Shekina Sophia voice of creation.

    with Amma Sophia

  • Healing the Mother Wound

    Honored to stand for the divine feminine and healing. Step into healthy relationship where everyone gets to thrive. Healing relationships with our mothers clear the the path for us to thrive in our lives.

    with Olana

  • Womb Sovereignty: Somatic Trauma Healing for the Pelvic Chalice & Return to Erotic Innocence

    In this workshop will discuss the power potential of pleasure and orgasm as a means of assisting in the healing of trauma within the womb. She will discuss the importance of the reclamation of one’s Erotic Innocence as a vital means of inhabiting one’s pelvic chalice more fully and will guide attendees through a somatic embodiment practice to welcome in this vital embodiment.

    by Cherezade Aanya creatrix of Sovereign Womb Alchemy


    Offered for our young girls at ManaFest
    Opening circle- fast and easy breathing to focus on the workshop and honor this time.

    Prayer and welcome the elements and direction.
    Creation of Evolving Bodies booklet:
    4 drawings & 4 Affirmations

    Affirmations, art and understanding of the different stages

    with Andrea Gonzales

  • Rhythms of the Womb

    Discovering the roots of Bellydance. An ancient art form from North Africa & the Middle East. Adornment of the hips is encouraged. All genders welcome.

    with Hailey Sanura

  • Commune with Sacred Cacao

    " Community Circle to cultivate heart connection and power "

    Led by Paola Ucelo

  • Re-Rooting into the Sacred Feminine

    You're invited to join Shardai Moon for this guided drum & vocal shamanic journey of abundance, to restore our traumatized root systems, and re-root ourselves back into the love of our Sacred Earth Mother. Together we will shift from the severance-to-survive paradigm into the connection-to-thrive paradigm. Meet with your earth spirit guides, and your inner "mother" archetype, and receive personalized direction and healing on your path (even if you have never done so before!). Group energy clearing & medicine harvesting circle afterwards.

    by Shardai


    This class combines living light tools for empowered living with Afro Dance fusion choreographies. Unlock the body, mind, spirit; while you tone, strengthen and embody wholeness.

    with Michal Anna Carrillo

  • Lynne Deutch

    Vulva Casting Ceremony

    Using art we will have a new way to understand our bodies. In a safe container we will discuss the process of casting our Vulva. Each woman will cast their own and afterwards we will decorate them and share about the project and see how this helps us deepen our love and relationship to our vulva.
    Small materials fee $15

    with Lynne Deutch

  • Songs For The Earth

    In this workshop come sing for the Earth with original songs and song circle facilitation with Marielle & The Flowers. She will also be facilitating poetry and songwriting surrounding Earth connection and sharing her passion for plant allies and herbalism. Come away with a song or poem that embodies the Earth's song as we awaken our voices and creativity as a means for change and transformation.

    with Marielle and The Flowers

  • Acro Yoga

    Enjoy an experience of flying, supporting, and reaching new limits of your being in this super fun and playful aero yoga class! All levels and children welcome!

    Led by Mary Chapman

  • Sound Bath Alchemy

    The Alchemy of Sound. A sonic integration of live instrumentation, guided breathwork and meditation designed to reset the nervous system, ease stress and anxiety and drop from mind down into body and heart. This is a safe container for collective healing. Eye masks and aromatherapy offered.

    with Jazzy Wong

  • Womb Codes for Spiritual Intimacy

    Destiny Marie Love, author of “Womb Codes for Spiritual Intimacy” will be presenting a workshop based off of her book in the Red Tent this year. Dive deep into the power of attuning to the rhythms of your womb, be guided through spiritual intimacy practices that you can do alone or in partnership, and learn rituals for maximizing the potential magic within your menstrual cycle.

    with Destiny Marie Love